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About Pharmacist
In My Pocket
When I was at University (more precise in 2005) I had a dream of being a modern pharmacist. In this era where everyone is confronted with digital information overload, someone needs to be able to interpret and extract the right information and give an educated view over it. Throughout my studies, I have gained the knowledge and the skill to decipher and more accurately interpret the information. In everyone seeking healthcare or medicine related advice, the digital era causes an information overload, which in turn causes stress in anyone that does not understand differential diagnoses or medicine interactions etc. This website is all about interpreting that information that causes anyone to stress. This website will guide you to ask your clinician (doctor) certain questions, guide you in the way they answer it and assist you with medicine-related problems such as side-effects, medication interactions, information on nutraceuticals and aspects of general and holistic healthy living. Come and join me on this journey of how to better understand your medicine and the way it works within your body. However, do feel free to ask any health-related question and I will guide you with knowledge and skills acquired over the years. Additionally, the pharmacist in my pocket can guide students on how to study, remember and integrate the complex intricacy of pharmacology. Please be advised that this website does not diagnose, treat or promise cures to any disease because that is not within the scope of practice of a pharmacist.
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